// Notes on CodeSandBox // if you don't see a preview when you load this page for the first time, reload the browser tab to the right import { createViewport, createSession } from "@shapediver/viewer"; (async () => { // create a viewport const viewport = await createViewport({ canvas: document.getElementById("canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement, id: "myViewport" }); // create a session const session = await createSession({ ticket: "319f14f08c1e67a874fd843acecfd321049772deb0cdb5a0dbb39385592a156e83730e45c5e7af5eab52e15b1e36d44a092f71ada1331e1935b0f25d9448af34d0add0bd5abf8984325b97ee9e6106b25216446d15a86bb18b40114df89d2f5909b08e8c8b9eeb-7516be37cb2d968a0b3c545baf3ae51e", modelViewUrl: "https://sdeuc1.eu-central-1.shapediver.com", id: "mySession" }); })();